motivate your kids to be a better dancer

You know your child loves to dance, but they have been increasingly unmotivated lately. This is actually normal, as 70% of kids quit playing sports by age 13.

As a parent, you know when your child should quit something they don't love anymore. But what do you do when you know they love something and just need a little boost?

Read on to learn about parent dance tips that can help motivate your dancer not to quit.

1. Set Goals

One of the best dance tips you can follow is setting goals with your child. This keeps them motivated because setting goals make them committed.

When the goals you set together are well-defined, realistic, and achievable, you can help your child motivate themselves. As a parent, you should be the facilitator that encourages your dancer to reach the goals they have set. After they get excited about the goals, they will want to work harder and end up setting their own without your help.

A simple goal like practicing a certain dance technique for just two hours a week can turn into something more later down the line. When you create these goals, it is important to actually write them out and place them in a spot where your dancer can see them daily. Physically seeing these goals will remind them each day what they need to get done.

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Evaluating the Goals

One of the benefits of dancing is that there is always room for improvement. This means the goals you could up with together can always get expanded. After your dancer has reached one goal, it is up to you to help them set a higher one.

As you set these goals and try them out, you may come to realize that they are not as reasonable as you thought. This is why it is important to reevaluate the goals when necessary.

Younger children should have small goals like making friends, learning a few moves, and always having fun. As time goes on, these goals should get more specific to keep their interest intact.

This brings us to another point for dance tips. Don't push your dancer too hard to reach goals that aren't achievable. This is the easiest way to lose their interest.

When you set unhealthy expectations, your child is not going to want to continue to dance. Remember that your dream is not always theirs.

Think about where your child is at this stage in their life. Younger kids will have a shorter attention span, so it is beneficial to set goals that keep them intrigued. Even though they are children, you need to respect them and help them work on the goals they have created with you.

2. Make Them Feel Good

dance costume

One sure way to boost your child's self-esteem and, in turn, motivate them further, is by making them feel good. Positive reinforcement always works wonders with children. Even if they end up dancing in the back row, be sure to tell them how well they did and help them improve so that they can move up.

Even children understand what is going on, no matter how subtle a dance teacher makes it seem. If they are constantly hidden in the back or see others getting solo parts when they haven't, they are going to notice.

If this is becoming a major issue for your child's self-esteem, talk to the dance instructor. It is possible they can rotate the children around during practice to make them feel like they aren't in one single place. Even if they are still in the back but in a different order, it could help.

To make them feel good about the work they are putting in, treat them every so often. When they make huge strides with their goals, offer them a celebration, whether it be pizza night or a new dance outfit.

Don't Compare

Another way to keep your child's spirit up is by avoiding comparisons. Parents are usually at the forefront of this problem, even if it isn't intentional. Even if you are comparing kids in your mind, be sure you aren't letting your kids know.

When a child is doing their best, it won't make them feel good to hear their parent say someone else did a better job than them. This is where positive reinforcement comes in. Find something good about their performance or practice and then offer constructive criticism.

When you motivate your kids through constructive criticism, it does not come off as disappointment. Even kids are perceptive enough to understand when their parents are disappointed.

3. Set an Example

Motivate your kids

Another one of the benefits of dancing is that it is something you can do with your child. In fact, when you are actively moving, your child is more likely to follow your lead.

One of the tips for better dance classes is keeping the attitude of your child positive. The best way to do this is to stay active and enthusiastic during the day. Get your child excited about going to their dance class so that they are more motivated to complete the goals you've set.

If the studio allows it, you could join your kids for a dance class to show them that you are all in with them. If you can keep up with something, so can they.

This is one of the dance tips that can help build a healthy relationship with the dance teacher. Teachers are an important part of your child's life, so they should be part of yours too. Don't get too involved to the point where you are butting in too much, but ask for feedback when necessary.

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Use These Dance Tips Parents Should Follow

As a parent, you should always be involved in your child's extracurriculars to help keep them motivated. However, always expect challenges to come up and understand how to combat them. By using this guide, you can understand the dance tips you should maintain to keep your child motivated, even during hard times.

When you invest in the right dance gear, your kids are sure to be successful. Get in touch with us so we can find the right outfits for your dancers.

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