March 22 is World Water Day, an international observance day promoted by the United Nations. The motive behind this occurrence is advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
Each year, a new water-related topic is chosen, typically involving issues like clean water, sanitation, and water shortages.
Considering that water is by far the most important natural resource on earth and that it is essential to the survival of any species on the planet, each one of us should take proactive steps to ensure its sustainability and good management. Here are six steps through which you can support World Water Day and contribute to this crucial cause.
#1 Conserving water at home
Many of us are not aware of how easy it would be to reduce water waste by simply paying more attention to various small things in our daily life.
For example, checking leaks in your plumbing fixtures (even the smallest ones) can help you prevent significant water wastage over time.
Another helpful action is using less water when washing dishes and clothes. For example, if you wash your dishes by hand, you should avoid running the tap continuously. What you can do instead is to fill one sink with rinse water and the other with soapy water.
If you have outdoor areas with plants, you should use irrigation systems that deliver water directly to the roots where it's needed the most.
#2 Support water brands with an extra commitment toward sustainability
Carefully choosing which water brands you use can also be a very effective way to support World Water Day. Some brands are particularly involved in charitable causes and make extra efforts to ensure that their water is sustainably sourced and their production or distribution processes have the smallest possible impact on the environment.
One great example is Just Water, which sells infused water in multiple flavors, so even the kids will want to get involved and try the different flavors. Its spring water is 100% mountain-sourced, meaning it comes from watersheds replenished annually yearly, thanks to rain and snowfall.
Moreover, Just Water's cartons are plant-based and renewable, thus creating 74% fewer carbon emissions than similarly-sized plastic bottles.
#3 Spread awareness through social media
Many of your friends, relatives, and social media followers may not be aware of World Water Day and the causes it supports.
Everybody with a social media profile or a channel that at least another person follows can make an impact by raising awareness on critical issues such as water conservation, lack of access to clean and safe drinking water, pollution, and other challenges.
Use the hashtag #WorldWaterDay, express your thoughts on issues surrounding water and sustainability, and share resources or tips that can help other people obtain more knowledge on this topic and realize that each one of us can generate change.
#4 Buying organic food
While it may seem unrelated, consuming organic food can help counter water-related issues.
The main reason is the absence of pesticides and fertilizers in organic farming. As a result, both groundwater and nearby bodies of water are much less likely to suffer contamination by these substances.
Another way organic farming protects water quality is by reducing the amount of nitrogen leaching into waterways. In conventional farms, nitrogen runoff can cause algal blooms and other problems in aquatic ecosystems. However, organic farms use cover crops and various other practices that can keep nitrogen levels in check.
Finally, organic soils tend to hold together better than conventional ones, meaning there is also a lower risk of soil erosion and flooding.
#5 Buy the right clothes
Choosing what clothes you buy consciously can also impact water-related issues. Many toxins used by clothes producers end up getting into lakes and rivers, which makes clean water undrinkable.
One way you can help counter this problem is by buying the right types of clothing goods, like linen or organic cotton. When shopping for clothes to buy, always look for sustainable fashion with fair trade labels.
Buying second-hand goods and exchanging clothes that you no longer use can also help keep water sources cleaner.
#6 Sign petitions for the right to clean water
We rarely stop and think of the fact that getting access to clean and safe water is still a challenge for millions of people. This issue is particularly serious in developing countries where poor management of water resources and lack of funding for sanitation services cause severe health problems.
One way you can make your voice heard on topics that affect our planet is by signing petitions.
Many non-profit and institutional entities regularly promote petitions on these topics. On change.org alone, you will find more than 100 petitions promoted by organizations and individuals from around the world.
Taking proactive steps to tackle water issues in your community is also important. For example, petitions for clean water are currently being promoted in Florida and Colorado.